Affirmation and Sweet Reminders

Hey Sweet Soul, here is a space for you to come to when you need a gentle nudge and reminder that you are a magickal being.

For more sweet words, mediations and affirmation sessions, please consider subscribing to our Youtube Channel, Sacred Sounds With Sky.


I am attuned to the frequency of joy, pleasure and prosperity.

I allow myself to experience freedom, abundance and joy.

I open my heart to receive all the blessings that are making themselves known to me.

I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.

All that I need is within me.

I give myself permission to take up space.

I am enough.

I am an inspiration.

I am powerful.

I am divinely led, guided and protected.

God/Most High/Universe/Source/Divine took their time with me! I am chosen. Covered. Protected and deeply loved.

I am the manifestation of all things good. Of all things light. Of all things love. Of all things powerful.

I am a master manifester.

I am divinely aligned to all things for my highest good.

I am multidimensional. Multifaceted. And I honor that. I do not shy away from the vastness of my being.

I am not for everyone and that is okay.

I honor my expansiveness and my need to change grow and evolve.

It is okay for me to change.

I embrace my uniqueness.

I honor my intuition.

I honor my gifts.

I prioritize my peace and joy.

My emotions are my superpower. I allow them to guide me into more safe spaces and relationships that are in alignment with my highest good.

I give myself space, grace and compassion as I shed old layers of my being and divinely bloom into heightened versions of myself.

I am a masterpiece.